Start react with redux

to be done

  • redux dev tool

  • react router (3 kinds of history, normally browserHistory)

  • redux router (bind react router)

  • redux compose utility function, from right to left = from bottom to top

  • for test api connection

  • bootstrap react

var button = ReactBootstrap.Button({
  bsStyle: "success",
  bsSize: "large",
  children: "Register"

React.render(button, mountNode);
  • webpack-isomorphic-tools, translate require function to hased real path on server side.

  • the letter isomorphic means universal, which in web development means use same javascript code both for client side and server side.

  • Writing client-side ES6 with webpack

  • multireducer: for which you can use the same reducer for different data model which has the same action types

  • scss just a compatible sass style, whereas sass add a 5 to 6 new syntax to css, css-loader is used here.

  • karma used for watch the server, mocha used for create describe and it framework, chai used for test the syntax