ANTLR4 JavaScript Usage

Quick Guide in Terminal

  • first generate parser and lexer (and visitor)

antlr -Dlanguage=JavaScript -visitor test.g4
In JavaScript we don’t need to compile or test, but we could do that in java target project.

Context in Parser

THe ctx has a children field, which includes all the ternimalNode here include operation like "=", or we could use ctx.op to get it.

More important, ctx has method to access all of elements it mentioned like ctx.block(). For getting a text or token, use getText() or getSymbol().

You can use both ways to access the node.

Some other useful function:

  • getChildCount()

  • addErrorNode()

See the Antlr Doc here

Visitor and Listener


Listener use when we walk the parser tree, it can covered every node in the code.


Visitor visit specific node, and could give return value.

The two method use the same context regarding to the same state.

Error Detection

For detect the ambiguous error please use DiagnosticErrorListener instead :

parser.addErrorListener(new DiagnosticErrorListener());

//one more stuff here